So, it happened - I’m officially 27.
Remember when you were younger and you wanted to be where you are now? To be completely honest, I’ve had a rough few weeks. This is not where I expected myself to be. Maybe Mercury in Retrograde has had a part in it, who knows, but with the combination of everything I have been pretty down.
Until this weekend. No major plans: I just enjoyed the city, my boyfriend, and my birthday. Everything seems to be turning around, and I now know that the future is in my hands and my hands only. For my birthday, I decided to put down 27 goals I’d like to reach this year to make this my best year yet.
Traveling is always on my to do list, and this year is no exception. My goal is to see some new places I haven’t been to before.
Call & text my family
We’re all busy, but life is short and I want my family to know how much I appreciate them.
Technology has taken over our lives these days (as I write this on a computer while watching Netflix on my Samsung Smart TV), so it’s important to step away from it to live in the present without any distractions.
Explore NYC
I love my city. The first time I saw Times Square, I knew I’d call it home one day. I’ve been here for four years, and I haven’t even seen half of it.
Eat healthier
After seeing a holistic doctor years ago, I went dairy free and gluten free. Since then I have become mostly vegan as well. But especially in NYC, it is hard to stick to such a strict diet so I need to remember what is best for my health when eating out.
Get active
Even if it’s half an hour of yoga or walking the long way, a little goes a long way.
DIY my bedroom
In my rustic-ly decorated apartment, my bedroom is the only room left to do.
Be open to more opportunities
Sometimes I like my routine and what I know I like, but I’d like to reach out of my comfort zone.
Walk my girl down the aisle
My sorority sister is getting married in September this year, and I couldn’t be happier to be in her bridal party. Here’s to planning a kick ass bachelorette and partying after the vows!
Give my everything
No matter what it is I’m doing, I want to give everything I have to it.
Between my 9-5, doctor appointments, cooking & meal prepping, socializing with friends, and spending quality time with my boyfriend, I do not have a lot of energy left at the end of the day. But I need to remember why I started this and why I love it.
Read more
Last year I made a pact with myself that I would read a book a month, to which I did. But I fell off that wagon recently and I need to get back on it since it’s something I very much enjoy.
Plan a 10-day family trip to Italy
I am planning a trip to Italy for my dad & stepmom, little sister & her boyfriend, my boyfriend & myself to visit our homeland. Since I’ve been there twice already, they have put the planning into my hands and I do not want to let them down.
I get wrapped up and when things don’t work out the way I wanted them, I tend to lose it. I need to realize I can’t fix everything, breathe, and trust everything will work out.
Just dance
Dancing is one of my favorite pastimes, but I am not big into the NY club scene and honestly after a week of working I just want to veg. But I’m only getting older, so I want to do everything I can now.
Fall in love, love unconditionally
This goal is not in regards to anyone or anything specifically, just to let it happen and embrace it when it does.
Try more restaurants
A friend of mine recently mentioned a cool way to do this: A-Z. Start with A, pick a restaurant that begins with A. And then proceed to a restaurant name that starts with B for the next time you go out, and so on. It’s a good way to try new places.
Make myself a priority
As a Pisces (shoutout to my fellow Feb/March babies), it’s my nature to give everything I have to everyone but myself. I know I need to take care of myself first before I can help anyone else.
Since I’m getting older, I know I need to be saving my money for retirement. This is at the top of my to do list this year.
Get ready every day, even if I don’t feel like it
Some days are harder than others, but getting dressed and putting a little makeup on is the first step to starting the day right.
Relax & recharge
Sleep, massage, veg, repeat. I don’t do enough of this.
Self care and self love
Especially in this day and age, it’s extremely easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to everyone else. And I am just as guilty as the next person. But I need to stay true to myself.
Worry less
I’m a planner. I like things to go according to my plans. But I need to accept that I can’t plan everything, come what may.
Buy myself flowers
And not just flowers - a blanket, a coffee, a new book. Sometimes you need to treat yourself.
Nurture friendships
We are all busy, but even grabbing a drink at happy hour will do. Plus girls’ nights are always neeeded.
Spread kindness
My fellow New Yorkers know what I’m talking about - we’re in a rush, we’re mean, and we don’t care. That isn’t a way to live, though. So I’m going to smile more and get upset less.
Enjoy life
And everything life has to offer. Because we only get one.